Clínica Dr. Fernando Arruda - Cirurgia Plástica

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The ear is one of the parts of the body that can bring a family stigma: “He has his father´s ear”.
Most of the time prominent ears, common aesthetic defect, are found in several family members and it brings a negative identification because people make fun of this during the childhood bringing serious consequences in the child behavior.
There´s an ideal age to do this surgery: 5 to 7 years old (kindergarten) period when the ear is completely formed and it has almost the adult size. Besides, at this period the psycological disturbances start. Normally the following questions are done in the first consultation:
  • Recommendations

  • Preoperative Recommendations
    1. Inform us until the surgery´s eve about flus, infections, etc.
    2. Obey the internment scheduled time.
    3. In general anesthesia case, do not eat during a period from 8 to 12 hours before.
    4. Wash your hair on the surgery´s eve.
    5. If you have long hair, they shouldn´t be cut. You´d better keep it until a period after the surgery because it can help disguising the operated area in the first days .
    Postoperative Recommendations
    1. Avoid sun, coldness and local traumas for a 60-day period.
    2. Be at the doctor´s office for controlling the postoperative in the scheduled days by the nurse.
    3. Obey the medical prescription.
    4. You can resume your school, professional activities seven days after the surgery.
  • Question and Answers

  • Does the large ear reduction surgery leave scars?
    This surgical scar is almost imperceptible because it is placed behind the ear, in the ridge formed between the ear and the skull. Besides, this skin is too slim and the scar tends to almost “disappear”.
    What kind of anesthesia is used?
    Children: general anesthesia. Adults: local anesthesia with attended sedation or according to the patient..
    What´s the internment period?
    Local anesthesia with sedation: 12 hours (with the presence of the Anesthesiologist).
    How long is the surgery?
    Usually around 90 minutes (bilateral) or 60 minutes (unilateral).
    Are there risks during this surgery?
    It´s the same risk when you cross the street, travel by plane or car.
    When are the stitches removed? Is it painful?
    On the seventh day. There´s no pain when the stitches are removed. Ears are painful in the first seven days.
    How long does it take me to achieve the final result?
    As soon as the curative is removed we´ve already have 60% of the final result. After six months the result is definitive.
    Is the large ears problem possible to come back?
    As long as properly conducted, the surgery final result will be definitive. An imperceptible asymmetry will remain because even normal ears are not symmetrical.
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