Clínica Dr. Fernando Arruda - Cirurgia Plástica

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It´s a surgical procedure that intends to reshape your nose. It´s a common surgery and it is the most remarkable surgery during the postoperative because it modifies the patient´s face contour. This procedure is improving in a way to turn the nose more graceful, in harmony with the rest of the face mantaining the respiratory function working as well.
  • Recommendations

  • Preoperative Recommendations
    Patient must be evaluated very carefully, with photographic documentation: rhinoscopy to evaluate respiratory flow and nasal septum and cornetos anatomical alterations.
    Patients must be submitted to laboratorial exams and others as long as the surgeon think it´s necessary to prove that the patient has enough conditions to do the surgery.
    Receive a written guideline about your internment.
    Now some questions and answers about Rhinoplasty. It´ll be our pleasure to clear up any doubts.
    • Inform us until two days before the surgery in cases of flu, cold or coryza or any symptoms that affect your mouth, nose or throat.
    • Stay in the indicated hospital, obeying the established schedule.
    • In case you stay in the hospintal on the surgery´s day, come to the clinic in a scheduled time.
    • Avoid alcohol drinks and heavy meals on the surgery´s eve.

    Rhinoplasty is a traditional surgery in plastic surgery history. It´s a common surgery and it is the most showy surgery in the postoperative because it modifies patient´s face contour mantaining nose anatomical elements. Therefore the following questions are made frequently:
    Postoperative Recommendations
    • Avoid sun, wind or coldness on the three first days.
    • Change external curative as much as it is necessary.
    • Special care with the plaster: Do not traumatize the curative, avoid moistness or removing the curative to “see how my nose looks like”.
    • Obey medical prescription.
    • Be back to the doctor´s office to change the curative on the scheduled days and time.
    • Don´t worry about obstructed nostrils. Wait for the removal of the curatives (in case you´re using them).
    • Avoid beach sun during a period between 60 to 90 days. You can be exposed to the sun occasionally from the fifth day on.
    • Don´t use glasses until you are told to do so.
    • Don´t worry about the intermediate shapes during several stages (nose is swelled).
    • If you have any doubts ask us. Avoid listening to your friends opinions during this initial stage.
  • Question and Answers

  • Does Rhinoplasty leave scars?
    It almost doesn´t exist apparent aesthetic nose surgery scars. Because the incisions are made inside the nose or in the ridges; therefore, there are no vestiges. In some cases, when the nostrils are treated, there are two small scars in the ridges between the nostrils and the face. As time goes by they become almost invisible. In other cases, an imperceptible scar is made in the base of the nose.
    May I choose the best shape for my nose?
    No. There is an aesthetic balance between nose and face. The surgeon must observe this balance to maintain natural and authentical patient’s face aspects. Each case is studied very carefully to decide the best nose shape according to the face. If your choice coincides with the planned nose shape, of course, it will be as you wish. If not, we offer technical resources to help and show you the convenience or not of a sort of nose shape using computer images, photography, assembly, graphic profile study, plaster masks, etc.
    For how long will the results last?
    There are several stages in the rhinoplasty postoperative. In the first stage (after the plaster removal, generally on the seventh day), even after several aesthetic corrections on the original nose, we can see a swell that will totally disappear in the sixth month. There are patients who achieve the final result before that. Others rarely exceed this period. If the swell persists for a longer period than the normal one, generally it doesn’t interferes in the final result.
    How am I going to breath after the surgery?
    Rhinoplasty intends to improve the patient´s respiratory condition when this condition is precarious before the surgery. Although there is a immediate postoperative difficulty for also existing a swell inside the nose and a respiratory valve movement, the early weeks are damaged because of nostrils elasticity alteration. As time goes by it will be normalized. Respiratory problems generally are connected to the septum that in lots of cases is corrected at the same surgical time. When there´s a simultaneous septum and nasal pyramid correction it is required special cares, the surgery must be done in another opportunity after the septum is corrected by a specialist.
    I suffer from constant coryza. Can the aesthetic surgery solve this problem?
    In some cases, after the rhinoplasty, some chronic symptoms that bother patient since a long time ago disappear. However, it doesn´t happen in every case. The important is to explain that the respiratory functions are rarely damaged after the rhinoplasty, as long as the surgery is conducted with all necessary cares that this kind of surgery ask for.
    For how long does the final result last?
    The Rhinoplasty result is practically definitive. We should remember that after the fifth life decade, any nose stars suffering morphologic alterations due to the nose skin quality transformation.
    Is Rhinoplasty considered a “small” or “medium” surgery? What about the risks?
    Rarely Rhinoplasty causes complications. However, for being a surgical procedure, occasionally can occur unexpected situations during the process. Fortunately can be solved after the surgery with small repairs to obtain the wanted result. Possible unexpected situations must not be confused to the intermmediate nose shapes after the surgery until it achieves its definitive shape. Any doubts about possible postoperative complication will be explained by our team that will inform you about it without any constaint.
    What kind of anesthesia is used in Rhinoplasty?
    Both local and general anesthesia are used. It´s up to you to choose the best sort of anesthesia, as long as it is chosen according to the best convenience and with us.
    How long does the surgery last?
    Generally, 90 minutes. In more complex cases, this period of time is exceeded.
    How long does the internment take?
    Half period for surgeries done under local anesthesia. Twenty-four hours for general anesthesia. Twelve to twenty-four hours with associated anesthesia.
    Are curatives used? How many?
    After finishing the surgery, nose is immobilized with a plaster that covers it totally: this plaster. This plaster is used from five to seven days. After this, it will be removed at the doctor´s office. It can or can not be used the special nasal curative (with gazes made of jelly) that is used during twelve to twenty-four hours. The plaster is important to the first nose reshaping stage.
    I´ve heard the nose bleeds in the early days. Is it true?
    It bleeds a little through jelly curative, which is normal at the first 48 h. However, this must not be something to worry about because a protection curative, over the nostrils, is kept on purpose to contain nose bleeding. This additional curative can be changed at home as much as necessary.
    Is the postoperative painfu?
    Generally no. There´s no pain in the postoperative rhinoplasty. When it happens, it will be treated with analgesics that will be prescripted as preventives.
    Are there risks during this surgery?
    Rarely this surgery brings complications because each patient is conveniently prepared and this surgery is simultaneously related to others.
    In what position should I sleep on the first days?
    Use a low pillow and keep your face up (never lay your face laterally).
    When can I be exposed to the sun?
    Generally after the third postoperative day there´s no risk being exposed to it on the street. However, long exposions (beach, swimming pool) should wait at least 60 to 90 days.
    What´s the postoperative evolution?
    You must not forget that until the final result several evolutive stages are typical in the this kind of surgery. That´s how swellings, infiltrated blood stains, respiratory difficulties on the first days are common in all patients. Obviously, some patients present theses phenomena with less intensity than others. We hope you are one of them. If not, don´t worry about it. Wait because your organism will take care of everything. During this period some person will not save you from this comment: “Is there something wrong?” and obviously, you must tell us about all your worries. In time: generally there´s an euphoria period when the plaster is removed (seventh day). Rarely, the patient can be anxious due to the swelling transitory aspect and the blood stains. It´s temporary and it reflects on the final result expectation. Be patient. And remember: no nose reshaping surgery must be evaluated before the seventh postoperative month.
    To finish: Is the nose reshaping surgery final result worth?
    Of course, it is. Among all aesthetic surgeries, nose reshaping is one that gives you almost full satisfaction. Remember we told you so: each case is individually analyzed on the first consultation when all the related details are informed even those ones, for a lapse, were forgotten. Since both (surgeon and patient) decide to realize the surgery, it´s because the result is worth. If not, we will be the first ones to refuse the surgery. This unpretentious message had been elaborated to mantain the patient informed.
    Patient must not eat (general anesthesia). If he does the surgery under local anesthesia surgery condition, he can drink a cup of coffee with milk and a cookie in the morning.
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