Clínica Dr. Fernando Arruda - Cirurgia Plástica

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Factors as age, skin texture, visual intensity disturbances, emotional problems, etc, can leave marks around the eyelids. When you are examined by the plastic surgeon, he´ll do a deep analysis to only interferes on the regions that will really be benefited by the surgery.
Most of the time eyelid aesthetic problem is due to clinical factors and it´s not indicated to any surgery (shadows around the eyes, swellings, etc). Sometimes clinical problems are related to the surgical ones and even after the surgery it´ll still remain a small percentage of the original defect due to an associated clinical disturbance.
The eyelid plastic surgery only corrects skin excess, fat and inelastic skin around the eyelid territory improving, sometimes, not only the aesthetic aspect but the functional one. However, it must not damage the eyelid functional aspect since postoperative evolution is normal. The most commom questions about this surgery are:
  • Recommendations

  • Preoperative Recommendations
    • Be at the surgery´s place (hospital, doctor´s office) at the scheduled time marked on your internment guide.
    • Inform us about any abnormality with your body until the surgery´s eve.
    • Do not use make up on the surgery´s day.
    • Bring sunglasses.
    • If you stay in the hospital on the surgery´s day come without eating (general anesthesia case) or drink a cup of coffee with milk and a cookie or some bread (local anesthesia case).
    • Come along with somebody to the hospital.
    Postoperative Recommendations
    • Apply cold-filtered-water compress (moistened cotton in cold water), 10 times a day for 10 minutes on the first three days.
    • Free feeding.
    • Use sunglasses while you are exposed to the sunlight.
    • Avoid sun, wind and coldness for 30 days.
    • Obey medical prescription.
    • Come back to the doctor´s office to exchange curatives and review the scheduled days.
    • Consult these instructions as much as necessary.
    • Do not touch your eyes.

    You can resume your activities in 15 days.
  • Question and Answers

  • Are the scars visible? Where are they placed?
    As the eyelids skin is slim, the scars tend to be hidden in the skin ridges. So the scar maturation period must be expected (3 months). The eyelids can be disguised with a light make-up on the first days.
    Is there an ideal age to do the eyelid surgery?
    No. There´s an ideal opportunity. This opportunity is determined by the defect to be corrected and it can be done in any age.
    What kind of anesthesia is used?
    For the surgery time period and the high quality of the anaesthetics, most of cases is operated using local anesthesia (in some cases, we can give sedatives before the surgery). Rarely they´re done with general anesthesia. We keep this clause only for the cases where the local anesthesia is not indicated (rares) or even when the blephaloplasty is being done with others surgeries simultaneously.
    Is the postoperative painful?
    Not generally. Even when there´s high sensibility or painful outbreaks, they can be extinguished with analgesics.
    Are the eyes going to be too much swelled? For how long?
    The swelling in the eyes varies from one patient to another one. There are those ones that on the fourth or fifth day show a natural aspect. Others can achieve this result only after the eight day. Even so, the first three postoperative days are the ones that the eyelid swellings are more prominent. The sunglasses and cold compresses usage can be useful during this stage reducing the swelling intensity. Only after the third month we can say that the residual swelling is discreet and it doesn´t compromise the final result.
    How is the internment period?
    Local anesthesia and sedation: from 12 to 24 hours (with the Anesthesiologist participation).
    How long does the surgery last?
    Usually around 90 minutes. It depends on the case. There are details that can extend this period. But it rarely exceeds half of the basic foreseen time.
    What are those “purple stains” in some cases?
    It´s only infiltred blood under the skin due to surgical trauma. Nevertheless, it´s not considered a complication but a transitory and reversible situation.
    When can I achieve the final result?
    After the third month. However, after the eighth day we´ll have 60% of the wanted result. And 2 or 3 weeks later this percentage tends to improve.
    Are the eyes going to be closed after the surgery?
    In some cases. We only recommend putting cold compresses for a few minutes, several times a day. So patient can control this swelling prophylactic act. Some surgeons prefer to keep the patient´s eyes closed during the postoperative period.
    Is the result worth?
    If you know what you want and the surgen can give what you asked for, of course it´s worth. However, it´s important to remember that the eyelid surgery doesn´t rejuvenate your face when separately executed. The plastic surgeon will only improve this damaged area caused by existents aesthetic defects. The wrinkled drooping layers of skin on the eyelids even after the surgery will never disappear leaving marks due to the loss of skin elasticity.
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