Clínica Dr. Fernando Arruda - Cirurgia Plástica

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Facial and Cervical Rejuvenation

It´s a very frequent surgery at the doctor´s office. The results are very natural since the surgeon and the patient discuss the result possibilities details during the preoperative.

The following questions are very common among patients:
  • Recommendations

  • Preoperative Recommendations
    1. Be at the doctor´s office in the surgery´s eve to prepair your hair (confirm your schedule with the nurse).
    2. Wash your hair in the surgery´s eve with anti-septic shampoo.
    3. Obey all the internment instructions.
    4. Communicate any current anomaly with your body.
    5. Do not use make-up on the internment day.
    6. If you be interned on the operation day, come without eating (in general anesthesia case) or drink onlya cup of coffee with milk and eat a cookie or similar (in local anesthesia case).
    7. Come along with somebody to be interned.
    Postoperative Recommendations
    1. Avoid getting wet the scalp curatives for 24 hours.
    2. Apply humid cotton compress in cold water over your eyes 10 times a day for 10 minutes in the first 3 days.
    3. Free feeding.
    4. Use sunglasses and
    5. Avoid sun, wind and coldness for 30 days.
    6. Obey the doctor´s prescription.
    7. Be back to the doctor´s office on the scheduled day to change the curative.
    8. Consult our written message (instructions folder) to read about your posoperative evolution.
  • Question and Answers

  • In how many years am I going to get younger?
    It´s not possible through the surgery change a 40-year-old face into a 20-year-old one. Even so it is obvious, we always clear wrong information that are transmitted to laypeople making some patients believe that they can late time according their will. We can assure your that no plastic surgery will promess you that.
    How about the scars? Are they going to disappear?
    Plastic surgery intends to improve inelastic aspect, wrinckles, ridges, etc giving to face a younger aspect. But the scars will be permanents although they start assuming a lighter aspect as time goes by.
    While this doesn´t happen, cosmetic resources as make-ups and suitable hairdo desguise perfectly the inconvenient recent scars. Besides that every patient has a different behavior (reaction) related to the scars evolution. Sometimes they can almost disappear. Despite of this previous warning, many patients worry specifically about the presence of scars during the immediate and mediate postoperative period. We hope you are not one of these and always have in hands this folder.
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